Susquehanna University's satirical news source
about the squirrel
The Squirrel is a student-run satirical media publication based at Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, designed to offer a humorous perspective on college life and current events. In the fall of 2014, inspired by the university's 2014-2015 theme of humor, then first-year student Jillian Mannarino dreamed of starting a satirical publication on campus.
In early October, The Squirrel's founding executive board sat down for its first meeting. Two weeks later, an informational meeting was held to recruit staff writers, and The Squirrel became a reality.
The Squirrel publishes satirical articles and comics about college life, politics, current events, and a variety of other subjects whenever we feel like it. If you are a Susquehanna University student interested in becoming a staff writer for The Squirrel, you can contact us at for more information.
Follow us on Instagram @thesusquirrel or on Twitter @TheSquirrel_SU
Let's see how long it takes for somebody to complain that this is in Comic Sans. #LifeOnTheEdge