Gaslighting Makes Me Giggle
Do you live with an absolute nuisance? Do you ever feel the need to throw your roommate out a window, then realize that is not a socially acceptable reaction? Do you feel the need to release your pettiness at the cost of their sanity? Boy oh boy, do I have the solutions for you! The last thing you want is to cause screaming arguments that drive all surrounding parties insane, so the clear solution to all roommate problems is to subtly be a menace. Start pulling little pranks that they barely notice. If they do start to notice, just continuously deny your actions. Deny, deny, deny. Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss.
Just start hiding pennies everywhere. I know we are poor college students, but if we pull out those tiny plastic babies again they will get very suspicious. Start with the obvious places like on the floor, on their dresser, maybe even in a coat pocket. Then, get a little wild. Shoes, socks, under their blanket. If you’re really on the verge of losing it, start filling their pillow case. Dear God, where is all of this loose change coming from? Maybe the tooth fairy? I dunno man.
If your roommate has a TV, turn it a few degrees when they aren’t home. It’s evil. The most inconvenient thing ever. Do it in teeny tiny increments for a lasting effect. Did I do this? I could have, but I reallyyyyy don’t remember, man. I haven’t been home allllll day.
When they leave the room, simply unplug their laptop charger, phone charger, etc. When they go to plug anything in later that night relish in their frustration as absolutely nothing will charge. Then they have to peel themselves out of their comfortable bed and realize their foolishness. But hey, how did that happen? You sure have no clue.
Chop off their arm in the dark of night
Where did it go? I was sleeping; therefore, I haven't a clue.
When they put their keys down, move them. They will swear their keys were on their bed just a second ago, but then you point out that they are on the desk. Your roommate is so silly for always misplacing things! The risk with this one is that they might slowly slip into madness, then you really can’t gaslight your way out of that one.
None of these could possibly cause lasting damage (for the most part), but they sure will drive your roommate insane over time. The best part? You truly can gaslight your way out of every bit of blame for these subtle pranks! They will never know the true darkness that hides in your heart.
As always, gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss <3.
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