TikTok Rizz Party Thesis
If you’re truly brainrotten, you should have no idea what TikTok Rizz Party is by now since it’s been irrelevant for over 4 hours. However, with the recent TikTok ban and it being reinstated within 12 hours thanks to the not-yet-inaugurated President Trump (pause), we spent all 12 hours able to freely focus our attention on what made TikTok so good and arrived at one conclusion: TikTok Rizz Party.
While I could prattle on about how the TikTok Rizz Party is the most recent event in history that has sparked genuine debate. How we saw people engaging with each others’ ideas in a respectful and conversational manner. How it seemed like the infinitely growing political divide in America grew a little smaller as people on all sides made a genuine effort to understand each other. How the world grew a little kinder while we all tried to understand who the leader of the TikTok Rizz Party was. I will not go on about that because that is a boring, responsible, and productive use of having a platform and an opinion.
My TikTok Rizz Party theory is that Blue Tie is the leader of the Rizz Party. While White Shirt does have a supportive presence and his aura draws me in, I am not entirely convinced that he could do well with a leadership position. He gives off “Blue Tie’s right hand”, but he’s also there to keep everyone involved and not let Blue Tie’s main opp, Black Shirt, take control. While Black Shirt does command presence during Rizz Party, he does it in an unconfident, needy, and greedy kind of way that makes me want to take up arms to prove that I believe in something rather than think about what I truly believe in.
While I could go on and on about the meticulous frame by frame analysis that I’ve documented myself, I will not. I am the Departmental Head (pause) of Rizzology which is a more legitimate school and major than Luxury Brand Marketing. My word on the matter is final and if you disagree you are wrong and I will not give you or your argument the time of day. Please email me at t0t4llyn0rmal3mail@gmail.com if you want to truly understand the depths of my thesis.