Willy’s Chocolate Experience: Cartchy tuns, exarserdray lollipops, a pasadise of sweet treats
Come with me, and you’ll see, a world of pure imagination!
Get excited for a fun-filled day for all the family! Featuring your favorite characters from Timmy Chalamet’s Willy Won-I mean, McDuff, this unparalleled immersive experience allows your kids to participate in a world that is completely non-copyright-infringing.
This beautiful, priceless ($69 admission) event takes place in a stunning warehouse that only the industrial area of Glasgow can offer! It features functioning, exposed AC vents for ventilation and a classic feel. Safety is our top priority for your little ones, and thus we armed actual Wonkidoodles (little people!) with guns, stationed around each exit of the building.
Meet Willy McDuff, the master chocolatier of Glasgow! He will guide your children through the Twilight Tunnel on a magical boat ride in the chocolate river! (Don’t forget to plug your nose) Adventure through the Garden of Enchantment-oh no! The Unknown! And its terrifying mirror! You and your children will have to figure out how to defeat that 16-year-old girl in a mask to make it to my lab! The definitely sober Wonkidoodles will greet you with a few very tasty jelly beans, along with a little bit of lemonade to wash it down (I’m sure I will be able to find more actors for the big day-do not even worry about it). Feel free to bring your own snacks as well! Finish the journey with an open-floor view of the aforementioned warehouse, along with our innovative generative AI selfie wall. Even take a few pics with the actors! They do not bite, I promise :)
As many of you have noticed, all of my marketing has been done by AI! Quite an amazing, economical idea by yours truly. The strange fingers and environmental degradation are also a plus. Trust me, dear friends, this is the future! (At the end of the day, anyone who falls for the AI ads deserves to get scammed)
No calling the police and no refunds please!