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2,239 SU Students Fight For 1 Meal Swipe

Today at Beast Philanthropy™ we are fixing one of the worst dining services in America! That’s right, we are taking over Susquehanna University’s dining program and introducing BeastDining™! The first order of business is to make each dining option go BEAST MODE.

  • Evert Dining Room → BEAST Dining Room™

  • Bento Sushi → BentoBeast™

  • Ele’s Eatery → Beast’s Eatery™

  • Scholarly Grounds → Scholarly Beast™

  • Benny’s Food Court → Beast’s Food Court™

    • Firebox → BeastBurger™ (duh)

    • Bistro → Beastro™

    • Nosh → BeastMeat™

    • The mold stays and will be rebranded to BeastMold™

  • Starbucks will be replaced with a Feastables™, Prime™, and Lunchly™ vending machine, effective immediately. 

    • Introducing the new Prime™ flavor, created by yours truly, BeastJuice™! SU students get the once-in-a-lifetime chance to try this flavor out before being screened by the FDA! This limited edition flavor will be sold in Lunchly™, my new grab-and-go lunch kit made in collaboration with Logan Paul (who has never been to Japan) It also includes a small Feastables bar, the best-tasting chocolate ever. Lunchly has no mold this time, I promise teehee

As for meal plans, now called BeastPlans™, each student will participate in Beast Games™ once a semester to determine their level of BeastPlan™ ($4,000 per semester no matter the plan you end up with). Beast Games™ features the same challenges on my hit Amazon Prime show Beast Games™! 

  • The winner will receive 40 meal swipes, now Beast Swipes™, a week and $100 in Flex Dollars, now called BeastBucks™

  • Top 100 students will get 35 Beast Swipes™ a week and $75 in BeastBucks™

  • Top 500 students get 21 Beast Swipes™ and $75 in BeastBucks™

  • The rest get 14 Beast Swipes™ and $50 in BeastBucks™

  • The bottom 50 students get 7 Beast Swipes™ a week and no BeastBucks™ :(

Beast Swipes™ are now worth $6 at each dining location! Meal prices will rise only 10% (I need to fund another video where I blow up the Eiffel Tower), however students will not even notice the price changes! And as before, the BEAST Dining Room will cost one Beast Swipe™. AND for every Beast Swipe™ a student uses, the Beast Team™ will plant a ginkgo tree on campus :) we know you guys love them so much! “Well, MrBeast, what if the students need more Beast Swipes™?” I have the perfect solution! You can earn more by completing challenges that have been featured in my very own videos :3 These include 24-hour challenges (ex. being locked in the Beast Dining Room™ freezer, solitary confinement, etc), playing hide & seek around campus, being hunted by the FBI, and many more! 

Here at MrBeast™, we believe in the power of high-quality entertainment, and for that reason, once a month, Jake Paul will be boxing President Green in the Trax parking lot! Winner gets a Beast Swipe™ (refreshments not included).

Get some new SUBeast Merch™ at the bookstore, and I’ll pick one random student to meet me! MrBeast! Make sure to hit that subscribe button for a chance to win an extra Beast Swipe™ today! Please direct questions to my team at 


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The articles and comics on this website are satirical and are intended as humorous commentary. Articles and artwork belong to their respective authors.

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