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Local Selinsgrove Man Declares: “He isn’t Racist—He Just Wants to Avoid All Minorities at All Costs”

Local Selinsgrove man, John Whitteman, declares he isn’t racist, he just wants to avoid

all minorities at all costs.

“Yeah, I’m not racist,” commented Whitteman “I respect all ideologies and people of all

backgrounds. Except those God-damn Muslims. Those hijab wearing freaks. I swear if I see

another one of those God hating Muslims, I’m going to make them wish 9/11 never happened.”

Whitteman was seen reaching for his legally purchased AR-15 like a child holds a safety

blanket, which he somehow smuggled into the interview.

“And don’t get me started on those Mexicans. Taking all our damn jobs. What if I wanted

to clean toilets for a living??!!? Or harvest crops for really low costs?? Or work for minimal pay?

Okay I guess I don’t want to do any of those jobs, but GOD-DAMN this is AMERICA! IF I


Whitteman later apologized for this comment, stating that what he described was slavery,

and expanded on this point by saying: “Mexicans aren’t slaves. I love all people of color. My

best friend is half-Mexican.” Or Bolivian? He couldn’t recall.

“AND THESE FUCKING QUEER PEOPLE,” Whitteman continued in his rant. “WHAT

IN THE EVER-LOVING FUCK IS A TRANS PERSON??? I can live with lesbians and gay

couples, so long as they are a solid 50 feet away from me at all times. But trans people is where I

draw the line. If Selinsgrove ever held a ‘Pride Parade’ or whatever, and they start chanting slurs

like ‘Trans Rights!’ or ‘All People are Created Equal,’ well then I might just have to—”

Whitteman then pulled out a live grenade and motioned bowling the grenade on the

ground. A moment later he made a whoosh sound and an explosion with his hand, before

crossing his arms, symbolizing him hitting a strike.

“But yeah I love and respect everyone and their different backgrounds,” Whitteman

concluded his interview with. “I just wish we could all strive for world peace and a world

without hate.”


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