Summer Camp Memories
By: A One-Time Camp Counselor
This past summer I worked as a day camp counselor. It was definitely an interesting experience, to say the least. Read below where I’m going to list out some of the most memorable experiences from the summer.
About halfway through the camp half of my face became paralyzed and the majority of my kids simply did not notice! While I’m extremely glad that they didn’t notice I was lowkey offended because it was genuinely so noticeable… did they just not look at me? Half of my face literally did not move and for the first couple of weeks I had a lisp, it was not easy to miss. And yet, they did.
The one good thing that came out of my facial paralysis was that I didn’t have to help out their swimming instructors for a few weeks. In our contract, it was required that we go into the pool with them every single day but my right eye did not close all the way so I was excused from it. One of my least favorite experiences occurred while I was trying to get out of the pool (before paralysis). One of the few problem kids in our group walked over to me in the pool as I was trying to get out. I think the only way for me to explain what happened next is with the diagram below.

Kids say the wackiest things! I walked these two girls to the bathroom and stood outside waiting, when they came out their heads were covered in water. I was obviously quite confused so I asked what happened. Kennedy (one of my favorite kids) said in a very matter-of-fact tone “We slicked our hair back so now we look like business ladies.” And truthfully, I had nothing to say. I mean they had an explanation, they didn’t cover the bathroom in water—so quite frankly, it was good enough for me!
Now, so you all know this was not just a summer camp… this was a summer camp full of rich kids. Every morning we would stand outside by the drop-off line to walk kids inside and the amount of Jeeps, Teslas, Mustangs, and whatever other fancy cars exist was insane. I mean even the minivans looked like they cost more than my house. Naturally, these kids being rich meant their favorite counselors (AKA me) got a few gifts at the end of the summer. One of the sweetest kids I had (Kennedy) came over to me with a Chanel gift bag. Inside was a sample perfume set, a full perfume, lip gloss, Chanel stickers, mascara, and of course green slime (she remembered my favorite color). The fact that the first designer perfume I have ever owned was a gift from an 8-year-old is so wild.
Believe it or not, I am returning to the camp this summer (for three weeks only)! This year I’m hoping to receive some Dior as a gift and that will make working two jobs this summer worth it! We are looking for new counselors and if I recruit anyone to work I get a bonu$ so hmu if you’re interested ;) It’ll be super fun especially if you don’t mind being around semi-disgusting little kids or even more semi-disgusting tweens!