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THIS is the Problem in Philosophy

By: Liv Chartreau ( if anyone higher-up feels compelled)

How much do you, dear reader, appreciate the major you have? There are a lot of instances where people might regret their major in college, as “they do not use it in the real world.” I’m here to say that I would bet my whole future income that I will not say that about my major in philosophy. “Really? Philosophy?” You’re probably saying to yourself. Yes, you read that correctly. I am genuinely grateful for my major in philosophy as it has taught me critical thinking skills, something many of you CLEARLY lack.

The philosophy major at this school is a joke. The crowning polka-dot at this clown college. This has nothing to do with the faculty members. Rather, the faculty is continuously unable to perform to the best of their talents as the major itself is treated as a “central curriculum” whore house. Nothing is easier than getting into an upper level philosophy course! All you have to do is use that one philosophy credit you got freshman year when the registrar enrolled every single student in some version of Empathy 101.

Have you ever taken an upper level humanities course when the only prerequisite is a class that literally every student has taken? It’s clear admin hasn’t since, instead of having engaging discussions on the content in the syllabus, most students treat it like a CAPS 2.0 triage! Peace and love, besties, but please go to therapy.

I am fully aware that there are massive financial issues at this school. However, the philosophy department is already the least funded department on campus, but it is also the department that teaches the most students for the central curriculum! Make that math work! It’s crazy that next semester, 25% of the faculty will be gone (and that 25% is only one person).

Given the fact that there is no course designated specifically for majors and minors, how small the department is (and it seems to only get smaller as time goes on), and how large the classes are, anyone can tell from a mile away that something’s up. As someone who is one class away from completing the major, here are my requests for the major to grow and for the full potential of the faculty to be highlighted: stop taking away funding from the philosophy department, or at least stop making these “one-year” contract deals with talented people. If you’re going to rip them away from us after a year, at least hire someone we’ll be glad to see gone! The department is already small as it is, and the students in the major only suffer when faculty members come and go (much like my mother’s love when I told her I was going to be a philosophy major). Give the majors and minors AT LEAST one class a semester where they can learn in-depth the concepts that they were introduced to in their introductory classes. Finally, be more honest with your students and faculty alike about the current financial situation of the university. If you want to follow-up with me, my email is right there. Feel free to send one! :) Thanks for your time.


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