UK I Still Love You…Please Take Me Back
‘Ello gov’nuh! The best way I can describe coming back from my GO Trip is…it was interesting. I didn’t think it would be so hard to readjust to life in the states, but bloody hell. Even though I was only in London for a month, I had to make a conscious effort to do things “the American way” rather than a way that actually makes sense. I mean, I can’t give the US all the insanity credit. Even some things in the UK had me scratching my head. And what a better way to reflect on my trip than pointing out the differences between the countries? So what if my GO Reflection class is all about how I grew as a person while abroad? This is all in good fun, so here we go!
Not being able to walk places. When I was in London I was gobsmacked that everything was within walking distance! The supermarket, restaurants, the tube and bus stations…literally everything I needed was like a 10-15 minute walk max. Here in the states (at least where I live) the nearest grocery store is a 30 minute walk minimum. The only restaurants close by are pizza shops and Subway. Now, I love delivery just as much as the next person, but that shit gets expensive after a while.
Caps on bottles are NOT attached. Why was this literally the hardest thing to get used to again? The caps on water and other beverage bottles were made to stay on the bottle so that they don’t get lost in the UK. Literally the smartest thing ever because then I don’t have to worry about dropping my cap in a rank mud puddle while taking a silly little nature walk. It’s also less plastic waste because the caps then get recycled with the bottles. Save the turtles guys!!
The direction of traffic. Okay, so for this one I’m gonna be a bit cheeky towards the UK. Over there, cars have to drive on the left side of the road rather than the right. Like…why? On the roads, no matter where I went in London, even the least touristy places, there were painted words saying “← LOOK LEFT” and “LOOK RIGHT →” on the roads at the crosswalks. I was so relieved to get back to a place where the direction of traffic actually makes sense. Although I had to get used to it again when I got back to the states, it felt nice to be back to almost getting hit simply because some drivers are miffed assholes.
Food is so much worse here. I know it’s a totally common thing for people to say that the food in whatever country they were in is so much better than here, but it really is. I may not have had true British cuisine (because beans on toast is a crime), but the fast food over there actually tastes like food. For example, food over there doesn’t last as long because a lot of the preservatives we use in the states are banned over there.
Pointing out these differences, and mostly siding with the London way, is really making it seem like I want to live over there. Which I do, so if I ever get the chance to go to London again I will not come back. Anyway, I best get out of here and find other things to compare because it’s what I live to do. Cheerio love!!