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Get Pranked

I love pranks! Everything I do is a prank! Sometimes I straight up just say incorrect things… or I lie… or I steal and then I just say “It’s a prank!” or “Get Pranked!” 

So often when I do this I’m told it in fact was not a prank and it really annoys some people (specifically my mom) how often I say it's a prank and that is the prank. I play the long game. The real prank is annoying people with my stupidity and my loose definition of a prank. 

Some more pranks I’ve pulled: One of my friends and I accidentally wear matching outfits quite frequently, we planned to do this for a week straight last year to see if anyone noticed. We never ended up doing this but this year we unintentionally matched every day for a whole week! We pranked everyone, including ourselves! Other pranks I pull is I enjoy simply relocating items around my suite, and then laughing when my roommates can’t find them. One day I rearranged an entire cabinet in our kitchen and then watched the confusion wash over all of them as they tried to find their dishes. My goal is only ever to make myself laugh because no one else matters and I laugh every time!

The biggest prank of all is a prank I pulled on all the friends I’ve made here at SU. I’m graduating a semester early, now you all have to miss me! Get pranked! I also pranked my advisor, at our last meeting to pick classes he said, “I think you could actually graduate a semester early…” and I was shocked as he was CC’d by the registrar on the email where they changed my graduation year. I smirked, proud of my effortless prank, and said, “...I am”. We shared a laugh at this realization and then talked about video games for a bit before I scampered away to pull more pranks.

Here's the thing though…I think I may have pranked myself? Because wtf do I do now? What’s next for me? Where else am I going to find a cult… I mean group of like-minded squirrels to influence to do my bidding? I have an army behind me and what happens when I graduate? Do I leave it all behind? Or will my squirrels still follow behind me at my beck and call? I think I may have pranked too close to the sun… Actually, I pranked the sun.

Fuck it, life is just one big prank. I’m out of here, get pranked!


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The articles and comics on this website are satirical and are intended as humorous commentary. Articles and artwork belong to their respective authors.

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