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Mii-ssing in Action

By: A Totally Normal Nintendo Fan

While the gaming industry right now is far from the worst it’s ever been, there’s still plenty of things for gamers to be angry about. Games being released incomplete only to be updated later, companies keeping their employees in cages in their basements, and—most of all—whether or not paying an extra $10 for full-priced games is truly a dealbreaker.

But you know what I’m mad about? Miis. Specifically, how much Nintendo has been neglecting them. They were everywhere back in the day: Wii Play, Wii Party, Wii Fit, and of course, the Wii Sports duology—not to mention all the other Wii games they made random cameos in.

The 2010s were the first sign of the Miis’ impending unemployment. Across both Wii U and 3DS, Miis still held a decent presence, albeit one that began to shift away from the homeland of the home console. While they certainly did prosper on the 3DS with games like Tomodachi Life, Miitopia, and Streetpass Mii Plaza, it could not match the golden age of the Wii. Especially when such luxury was limited to a handheld system.

And finally we come to the era of the Switch: the greatest sin ever committed to Mii-kind. Gone are the days where they would populate the games for Nintendo’s latest holy vessel. Evicted—no, banished, I tell you! Banished to the basement of the Switch that is the settings menu, reduced to a mere option! Not even provided so much as a Maker application! They have been stripped of all purpose, left with no way to provide for themselves–Nintendo even dared to replace them with those atrocious mockeries in Nintendo Switch Sports! The only major blessing the Miis have been granted since the Switch was unleashed upon the world was the port of Miitopia that, while enhanced with more content and the most in-depth Maker system to date, is still just a port. 

Nintendo, I… no, wii have been good devotees—have our praises of the Switch not been enough? Wii’ll do anything, even start another console war if wii have to! Just please, wii beg of you, reconsider your excommunication of the Miis. Don’t doom them to rot in digital purgatory! More standalone games, more playable appearances, simply giving the Mii Maker its own application, anything to bring the Miis back into your light! Give them the chance to prosper just as you have prospered ever since you graced the world with the Switch!

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