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By: $qu1rreL M0n3Y

To nobody's surprise, the “popular” (*cough cough* mandatory cough cough) website for SGA funded clubs at SU, may be going away soon! Since Susquehanna only signed a three year contract with the service (why is nothing permanent on this campus, like thank god we can oust Presence but puhlease), and with this being the third or so year of the contract (go business!), we have the option to not ever have to interact with their useful(less) website again! If anyone with any influence over this decision just so happens to be reading this: please do not give them any more of our money! While the darkest night is almost over, the moon is still hanging high in the sky with the dawn on the horizon, and a full-ass semester away.

Anyway, here are a few of my personal favorite issues with Presence:

  1. Where the fuck do I find it?

If you’ve ever tried to give a rats ass about what goes on here, you probably have been told to go to Presence. Most of us would probably start with myNest, given that it acts as the hub of all our campus resources. However, you can only find it in a subfolder titled “clubs and organizations” which gives no indication whatsoever that Presence would be there!

  1. Why is the sum of my club’s bank account not accurately reflected in the Presence statement, the only resource that I, as the club treasurer, have available to myself without having to pester my absent advisor or the nice people in the finance or leadership and engagement department?

Fantastic question! I had to have a meeting to figure this one out (extracurricular weapon)! Presence does not work with myNest! This means that your Presence numbers may not be aligned with the actual amount of money in your account! Basically, fuck you!

  1. Why is the name so misleading?

I thought I was getting a gift :(

  1. Why is Presence slower than Internet Explorer?

This is a nasty burn and if you do not understand this, you are a caveman/cavewoman/cavethey <3

  1. Why do none of the forms I submit get reviewed in a timely manner?

I literally have no power over that. Figure out who you need to drown in emails until they respond to you. I cannot guarantee that these people will respond to your emails. Pro tip: mark them as high importance just to scare them a little :)

  1. It is stupid

And breaks often, doesn’t have any of my club’s financial information anymore (even though the people who could’ve made it available to me knew this was an issue), is not as cool as a campus wide system of carrier squirrels, etc.

  1. Why does Presence never remember my position in my club?

We are convinced that the website itself is having an identity crisis equivalent to the force exerted by a nuclear bomb.

  1. Why does my Digital ID not work?

Congratulations! You should probably start sending some emails. Next year, go to a school with their shit together.

  1. Why do I have to send so many emails for extracurricular activities when it would be so much easier to not be involved, due to the stress that Presence gives so many club execs?

I think I’m going to quit my position.


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