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Stress Is Vile And So Are Headaches

By: Me

Why is stress something that can do so much damage? Why the hell is there such a thing as a stress headache? You’re telling me that just because I am stressed I’m going to get a headache which in turn makes me even more stressed?!

I am stressed because of all the things I have to do, and as punishment for being stressed, I am given a headache. Headaches cause me pain, make my eyes hurt and my migraines make it literally impossible to do work which in turn CAUSES ME MORE STRESS. 

Did you know that extreme stress can cause heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, sleep problems, and decreased memory and focus? Unfortunately, I did know this so now I am cursing you with this knowledge too. Stress can also cause anger and lashing out which explains what you are actively reading. Oh, and the best part is that this all causes me even more stress! Now I am stressed about all the side effects that my stress could be or already is causing me.

So now not only am I stressed about classes, homework, projects, exams, work, my GO Trip, my GO Prep class, clubs, events I have to plan cuz apparently I’m an event planner, my personal life, my physical health, my mental health, packing to go home, finals, my constant headaches, my newfound inability to sleep, but I am stressed about my stress! I genuinely think my number one enemy is stress, it is vile, vindictive, evil, hateful, and just plain mean!

Why have I had a stress headache almost every day this entire semester? When was the last time I was not stressed? Will I ever not be stressed again? What does it feel like to not be stressed? Is everyone stressed? And holy fuck, why don’t any pain meds take my headaches away? And there’s simply nothing to do to fix this. I know my father would say, “Just stop worrying about it” but that actually doesn’t work for someone with multiple genres of anxiety.

This wasn’t even the article I was originally going to write, I started a whole other article on a completely different topic and then got a migraine thus my rant.

TLDR: I’m so stressed that my stress is making me even more stressed and my head hurts.


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