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What Happened To Masks?

By: Pfizer

In case you haven’t noticed, there has been a surge of COVID cases on campus and throughout the country recently. (Stay safe out there guys) This latest uprising in cases has sparked a lot of questions in my mind. 

First on that list of questions is: how selfish can you be? I saw a post on yik yak saying that masks are unnecessary because and I quote “We’re all healthy 20 somethings.” Here’s a silly little fun fact… we’re actually not all healthy 20 somethings! Some of us are immunocompromised, some of us have OCD which is only heightened by COVID, and clearly this person is forgetting entirely about our faculty and staff. Not only how selfish can you be, but how ableist can you be!? There are so many people exposed to us daily that are not in their twenties. A bunch of professors are so, so old and I’m not saying this to be rude, I’m saying it because we are putting them at risk! So again I ask, how self absorbed are you that you think everyone on campus is perfectly healthy and can’t be seriously harmed by COVID? I understand that it sucks, isolating and wearing masks is not fun but it's a whole lot better than spreading this disease to someone whose health could be seriously compromised. Wearing a mask really isn’t that hard. I’m not saying it’s fun, but it is not hard! Also, aside from people being seriously harmed by COVID who wants to be sick in general? If you can prevent someone else from getting a cold or a stomach bug, wouldn’t you at least try?

Why are we ignoring CDC protocols? The protocol for COVID is isolating until you have gone 24 hours without a fever and masking for 5 days. Again I say, this is not that hard! This is literally less than a week of your life! And I’m only talking about people who have tested positive. The amount of people who have tested positive and immediately after their isolation period is up (and sometimes even before it is) just pretend it never happened, waltzing around campus maskless, is astounding. The other thing to note is just because you’ve tested negative doesn’t mean you can’t still spread it. 

What’s with the fake liberals? I’ve seen so many students who claim to be liberal yet are blatantly anti mask. You are the equivalent of straight girls who claim they can’t be homophobic because they have a gay best friend but are then uncomfortable around lesbians. You can’t post on social media in support of the vaccine and masking and then walk around without a mask while you LITERALLY HAVE COVID. Well I guess you can technically, but you can’t expect people not to call you out for it! If this is you I hope you know even if your friends aren’t saying it to your face… they’re saying it behind your back. You are actively putting people at risk and generally just making people uncomfortable. Practice what you preach instead of the fake ass activism you’re engaging in.


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