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Why I’m Considering Transferring

At the end of high school many people tell you that college is going to be the best four years of your life, but I’m here to tell you that this statement is just a load of bullshit. College is really this massive scam meant to just piss you off by any means necessary and even though I’m here now, I do NOT recommend it. I mean who knows, I might not be able to go to college in a few short months so I might as well shit on it while I’m still here. 

Not accepting a 3 on AP exams

  • This is literally so fucking stupid

  • I’m a shitty standardized test taker and I’m being penalized for it

  • I promise I’m smart but these tests say otherwise

  • I suffered through 6 AP classes and for what?

Having both a paper and presentation for a final

  • You’re telling me that even though I have an A in this class, I still need to take a final??

  • One of my classes is making me do both a presentation and paper for the final

  • Like girl just pick a lane

  • Also why is my paper due way before Thanksgiving break? Make it make sense

Classes in general

  • Why am I being forced to essentially repeat classes I took in high school? I did this already don’t make me do it again

  • Really regretting not just buying the college credit at this point

Crazy high tuition

  • My tuition isn’t going towards anything useful on this campus unless the “renovations” in Deg count

  • I get we are a private school but I’m giving an arm and a leg to be here

  • The consistent raise in tuition might actually be the death of me

No parking

  • Please for the love of god make more parking spots for students

  • Finding good parking is like finding the fucking holy grail

  • I should not be getting yelled at for parking in faculty parking when there is literally no other places to park

Shitty food

  • I think most schools can say this but the food is absolutely horrendous

  • Don’t touch the chicken in Deg because it might actually kill you and will cluck back at you if you try to bite it

  • Not having more than one dining hall is our ultimate downfall

At this point, I think I’ve given you sufficient reasons enough to show why college is just a massive scam. I’m telling you, it’s not worth being hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt just to go to a school where they like to pull pranks on students by making their lives absolutely fucking miserable. Just take my route, either transfer to a giant ass school like Penn State or whatever or just drop out altogether, and I promise life will be better. Now if you excuse me, I’m going to work on this awful final presentation that will mean absolutely nothing for me in like 2 months. 


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