Your Step-Dad
A Step-By-STEP Guide to Doing Your Own Laundry
Hey pal! Semester’s almost over huh? Your mother and I can’t wait to see you, but please feel free to stay at school an extra day or two.

Coloring Page
We here at The Squirrel have some suggestions for new looks that President Jonathan D. Green should give a try.

The Real Feminist
Let Men Be Slutty Too!
Every time I see men's armor, there is always full body coverage. Like, am I asking too much to see some ankle?

Girlboss Exa Dark Sideræl Musk 💅
Fashion & the Climate Crisis: A Modest Proposal
As a little girlboss, 💅 Daddy taught me that any problem can be solved with some intellectual prowess.

A Non-Comprehensive List of Things We Could Have Done Instead of Firing 18 People Genuinely WTF
By: squirrel hivemind Suck up more to the donors. Write off students as dependents on our taxes. Ask Joe Biden for money. Just call him...

Listen Up Furries
In order to prevent fur theft, here are ten sick eco-friendly fur alternatives.

would u still love me if i was a worm (threat)
I Have Not Stopped Thinking About Heidi Klum as a Worm For Months
There will never be another slay this astronomical when it comes to Halloween fashion, no one can ever top this.

Keith, A Normal-Ass Guy
Diesel Out of Fashion: Suck Diesel Nuts
Why? Why do you feel the need to have a diesel truck?
Fashion Trends We Should Revive
Here are some trends I think we should bring back. The world is ending. Who the fuck cares?