A Former Cynic
The Horrors Persist, But So Do I
There’s always something to be miserable about. Trust me, I know. I write for The Squirrel.

A Tumblr War Veteran
From the Files of My iPod Touch
Skipping through the graveyard that is Tumblr circa 2013, you’d be surprised by the amount of fandoms you find that have risen from the...

A Totally Real Fortune Teller
Whore O Scopes
Aquarius: You are having an average life in general so this week you’re going to continue to be… yk average.

(504) 867-5309
UK I Still Love You…Please Take Me Back
‘Ello gov’nuh! The best way I can describe coming back from my GO Trip is…it was interesting. I didn’t think it would be so hard to...

A Trench Coat Full of Rats That Vaguely Resembles Jesus
We’re Back on the Good Timeline
These trends are so back, they’re rising from the grave, they’re building a new fanatic religion around themselves in celebration of this...

Reels Are Reel Good
Why does everyone always hate on Instagram Reels? I consume most of my TikTok content when they are reposted as Reels… 2 weeks later. I...

Shovel Fantasy
Customer Review for Anvil 18 in. Wood D-Grip Short Handle Carbon Steel Compact Digging Shovel
I’ve been having a rough time in the past few months. It feels like everywhere I turn, there are more opportunities for my cheeks to turn...

Reels are Reel Bad
Remember back in like 2016 (eight years ago btw, chew on that) when Snapchat came on the scene and we were all using that dog filter and...

Your Local Fucking Hater
Trends That I’m Glad Died
Let’s be real. I am a hater. If I have the opportunity to deploy my hatred onto something, I will gladly take it and you, my friend, are...

The French Narrator From Spongebob
A Thesis: How to Have an Adult Conversation
Ah, college. A harrowing experience for many students around the globe. A place for maturity and growth, but will soon be found to prove...