marnielov3r666The Monster EditionMonstober Baby Please Come Home I Miss You So BadLet’s talk DCOMs—specifically, Halloween DCOMS.
someone who refuses to name themselves out of embarrassmentThe Monster EditionGo Piss GhoulBefore I could gather my thoughts, the lights began to flicker violently, and then my life flashed before my eyes as the bathroom went black
Hallow EenThe Monster EditionHalloween Costumes I Expect to See This YearI’m tired of all the boring costumes I see every year, where’s the creativity, the passion?
Big FootThe Monster EditionR/AskASquatchI broke into some shitty school and took out a column in the newspaper to answer a few of your big questions.
Girlboss Exa Dark Sideræl Musk 💅The Style EditionFashion & the Climate Crisis: A Modest ProposalAs a little girlboss, 💅 Daddy taught me that any problem can be solved with some intellectual prowess.
PETAThe Style EditionListen Up FurriesIn order to prevent fur theft, here are ten sick eco-friendly fur alternatives.
would u still love me if i was a worm (threat)The Style EditionI Have Not Stopped Thinking About Heidi Klum as a Worm For MonthsThere will never be another slay this astronomical when it comes to Halloween fashion, no one can ever top this.
Keith, A Normal-Ass GuyThe Style EditionDiesel Out of Fashion: Suck Diesel NutsWhy? Why do you feel the need to have a diesel truck?
XxBurt_Reynolds_Love_69xXThe Style EditionFashion Trends We Should ReviveHere are some trends I think we should bring back. The world is ending. Who the fuck cares?
Malaika OlaoyeThe Style Editionrich people are dumb and so is their clothingwhat’s classy when you're rich and trashy when you're poor? WEARING SOME SHITTY CLOTHES