(504) 867-5309
UK I Still Love You…Please Take Me Back
‘Ello gov’nuh! The best way I can describe coming back from my GO Trip is…it was interesting. I didn’t think it would be so hard to...

Shovel Fantasy
Customer Review for Anvil 18 in. Wood D-Grip Short Handle Carbon Steel Compact Digging Shovel
I’ve been having a rough time in the past few months. It feels like everywhere I turn, there are more opportunities for my cheeks to turn...

Uncle Fucking Sam
If Politics Are Going to Bore Me to Death, I’d Rather Drink to Death
My fellow Susquehannians, In a day and age where the United States seemingly couldn’t be more divided (we’re still not in Civil War 2...

An Old Rich Fuck
University Scrip
To SU board of whatever There have been abundant complaints brought to the attention of this administration by our student body, chief...

Someone Who Still Has To Travel Abroad
The FS (Foreign Squirrel) Program
If the news hasn’t reached you yet, let me be the one to tell you that the class of 2028 is not required to travel abroad! Ridiculous,...

The French Narrator From Spongebob
A Thesis: How to Have an Adult Conversation
Ah, college. A harrowing experience for many students around the globe. A place for maturity and growth, but will soon be found to prove...

A Wannabe DND Player With No Free Will Or Soul, Apparently
I mean, who doesn’t want to play DnD in class for an entire semester?

i swear i’ve been to camp guys i promise
Play Ball! But Not Really
We could just make students play dodgeball or capture the flag or whatever, but that is so BORING.

Anonymous Drag Queen
Putting the Camp in Campus
Don’t you wish sometimes the campus had more? I’m talking camp