SusQAnonThe Nostalgia Edition#ProtectTheNestThe official Susquehanna University instagram page made a post to commemorate the 7th birthday of their beloved mascot, Benny the Riverhawk
someone who refuses to name themselves out of embarrassmentThe Monster EditionGo Piss GhoulBefore I could gather my thoughts, the lights began to flicker violently, and then my life flashed before my eyes as the bathroom went black
cryptid wranglerThe Monster EditionAre Your Roommates Eldritch Horrors? Mine Are!The first step in surviving is identifying which being has made its mark in your living space.
John E. DippshitteThe Monster EditionWHERE THE BOWTIES COME FROMI discovered a far greater, more terrible answer to a question I never knew I had: where President Green’s bowties come from.
Res LifeThe Monster EditionWhich Campus Housing is Most Likely to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse?Here is the Squirrel’s definitive guide to which Res Hall would survive the zombie apocalypse.
Your Step-DadThe Style EditionA Step-By-STEP Guide to Doing Your Own LaundryHey pal! Semester’s almost over huh? Your mother and I can’t wait to see you, but please feel free to stay at school an extra day or two.