Alan Codner
Tickle-Me Vader Toys Recalled for Choking Hazard
The Disney Corporation, under fire for its most recent Star Wars cash in, has released an official statement that they will be taking the...

Eric Krinick
Angsty Teenager Compares Life to Struggles in Syria
At Wharton High School in Millsborough, IN, 14 year old Alex Dunn announced today via text message to his best friend of nine weeks Dave...

Caroline Miller
College Student Psyching Herself Up for ‘Really Awesome’ Nap Tomorrow
In an exclusive interview with The Squirrel, Susquehanna University sophomore Maggie O’Donnell reported that she’s spent the last several...

Mitchell Roshannon and Jenna Danyew
Outsmart Your Professor: Don’t Write the Paper
Your professor told you exactly when your final exam is due. You were handed a syllabus outlining exactly what was expected of you. You...

Jenna Danyew
The Meaning Behind Your 4 Favorite Thanksgiving Foods
Corn Whether it’s on or off the cob, on the table or used for decoration, corn is an integral part of our Thanksgiving celebrations. The...

Alan Codner
Candy Shortage Incites Riots in Selinsgrove
NOV 2 - What started out as a typical night of innocent Halloween fun devolved into madness and chaos late Saturday evening as young...

Ashleigh Tomcics
Caramel Cornhusk Set to Outshine Current Pumpkin Spice Craze
In light of the popularity of the Pumpkin Spice-flavored drinks, Starbucks has recently announced the upcoming release of a full line of...
Student Comes Out as Ally, Campus Rejoices
October 11th was National Coming Out Day, a day for LGBTQ people across the globe to celebrate their identities and disclose them to...
Blake Miller
High School English Teacher Pretty Stoked That Nobody Pays Attention Ever
Speaking with Squirrel reporters on Thursday, local high school English teacher Kathy Peterson confirmed that she's thrilled that nobody...
Joseph Maltese
5 Things a Man Should Never Say to His Girlfriend
Never answer honestly when she asks how she looks in the dress that's a little tight. Bite your tongue when she talks about her parents,...