Inside The Squirrel's Closet
Here is an insider look at an average Squirrel reader’s closet! Fun fact: when you join the club, you get all of these items in return...
a loyal Khaki buyer
How to Hide A Rip in Your Pants
So, you’ve ripped your beloved khaki’s while mimicking your best friend doing a squat in the back of a Walmart,

Malaika Olaoye
Top Five Most Common Google Searches on SU’s WiFi
This listicle is about the five most common Google searches during the Fall 2022 semester!

Becky Wood
Things I thought were obvious until I came here
There are a lot of people who lack common sense and I’ve known that since before I could talk, but people here take it to another level
Liv Chartreau
THIS is the Problem in Philosophy
By: Liv Chartreau (chartreau@susqu.edu if anyone higher-up feels compelled) How much do you, dear reader, appreciate the major you have?...

Dear God Why
I Fucking Hate It Here
Sure, some people live like this, but the hallway in North literally filled with piss. Like actual fucking piss.
Xo Xo, Gossip Squirrel
Gossip Squirrel
Hey Upper-East Suskies, You already heard that google searches on the Wi-Fi are monitored by the school. I’ve been in the walls of the...

Annual P&E Curse Strikes Again
If you weren’t already aware, the Publishing and Editing departmental lecture is deeply cursed.

A Series of Condemnations
By: Sophia Congdon To the greater Susquehanna University community at large, Now that we are all back from spring break, we presume most...

A Cry for Help
In lieu of solving capitalism, I propose some potential solutions to fix this semester from hell—or at the very least, make it a bit silly