One’s Student’s Week 7 Journey
BY: INSERT PSEUDONYM HERE <3 On a stormy Saturday night in October Sexual tension percolates in the air Students shriek in the darkness...

Susquehanna Addresses Student WiFi Concerns
By Zach Slusser The IT Dungeon, Seibert Hall Student outcry at the condition of the school’s Internet connectivity has peaked recently,...
Notice: New SU Partnership Creates Opportunity for RAs
BY: Zack Shiffman Attention all RAs of Susquehanna University! After the unforeseen patch of quicksand emerged and tragically swallowed...
Operation WCOFUSMT
By Malaika Olaoye Since the mass extinction event fifty years ago, in the winter break between Fall 2021 and Spring 2022, things have...

Hanging by a Bowtie
BY: MAGGIE RITCHEY flee VP and Dean evade the prison fabled Selinsgrove, PA

The General Sack Association (GSA) Constitution:
BY: LILY DURA President Sack Vice President Schlong King Kong Treasurer Glizzy Gobbler Our club will be called the General Sack...
Frat Bros and Hot Moms: A Match Made in Heaven?
BY: AMBER MARTINO Frat brothers love competition, but one Alpha Sigma Oedipus student broke a few eggshells when claiming his mother was...
A Petition to Susquehanna University
By: Squirrelphia Congdon Though the humans of SU may be blind to the tragedies happening under their very noses on this campus, us...
Ask the Elder Squirrel
Answered By: Sophia Congdon Billy asks: How do I become the ‘big man’ on campus? Well Billy, buying stilts might be a good place to...
SU Students Spread More Than Kindness… and COVID.
By: JULIE HEANEY AIKENS HALL, SUSQUEHANNA UNIVERSITY - This corona season, Aikens North side hall is following SU ResLife protocol by...