health is made up so this much iced coffee actually is good for me
By: The World Health Organization So, show of hands: who here has given up on their New Year’s resolution to be healthier? Everyone?...

Ned’s Declassified Mid-Term Survival Guide
BY: Two Squirrels Named Chip & Dale Midterms are upon us and many of you (mainly the freshmen), may be freaking out! You could be...

BREAKING NEWS: The Current Coin Shortage Is about to Get a Lot Worse
BY: A Real Human Girl SNYDER COUNTY, PA In what appears to be yet another desperate grab for money from Susquehanna University, all of...

Kenzie Piacenti
Keep up with SU Clubs
As the academic year comes to a close, one question continues to permeate the atmosphere: What is going on with campus activities?

Seamus O’McDonnel
Alcoholic or Irish?
I’ve been an Irish exchange Student at Susquehanna for years now and I’ve got to say, there’s nothing like Americanized St. Patrick’s Day

Say hello to the new and improved susqu_anonymouslockerroom*!

yuh part two electric boogaloo
He Has Risen, With a Vengeance
Reports have been pouring in from students having seen our university’s dear president lurking around the campus in an Easter Bunny Suit.

BY: Sophia Congdon Last evening, Susquehanna University’s Paranormal Club announced that they would be disbanding. The news dropped after...

Res Life Employs New Hiring Practices
BY: Sophia Congdon Recently, there have been multiple sightings of even more mysterious than usual figures hanging around the campus...
AΣO Raises Money for “Hot Single Moms in Your Area” with Haunted Frat House
By Amber Martino Alpha Sigma Oedipus was originally founded as a service organization, but that fell apart when they realized that they...