Maddie Fitzpatrick
My Queen, Ashley Tisdale
The early 2000s was arguably the most iconic fashion era.

Brad Mondo (COLLAB!! w/ Eli Lilly)
Re-engineered by our top hair visionaries, Bangs™ are a tried and true method of curing your mild to severe symptoms of life’s hardships.
why can’t you just be normal?
The Crimes of Fashion Brands Summarized In One Sentence
By: why can’t you just be normal? Forever 21: Cute jeans brought to you by wage-slaves and deadly respiratory infections caused by jean...

Becky Wood
Things I thought were obvious until I came here
There are a lot of people who lack common sense and I’ve known that since before I could talk, but people here take it to another level

An Ode to Spring (a haiku):
BY: Emily Rose Where beauty is pain Rebirth claws at what’s within I need more Zyrtec

Sophia Congdon
Le Creuset Crisis of a Lifetime
This leaves me with one question to ponder for the next nine years: What color is my Le Creuset color?
The Homie Historian
Gentlemen, I am here to tell you that you do not need to worry anymore about feeling alone as you put your sorry self to bed.

Gays Against the El Gee Bee Tee Cue Community
The Rise of the Homosexual Agenda
Hello my fellow Americans! I have come to bring you some terrible news. Everything, and I do mean everything, is gay now.

please let me out it’s dark in here and i’m scared
Colleen Hoover I Am in Your Walls
In the spirit of this being your initiation to the concept of Colleen Hoover, let’s play two truths and a lie.

health is made up so this much iced coffee actually is good for me
By: The World Health Organization So, show of hands: who here has given up on their New Year’s resolution to be healthier? Everyone?...